Cait Reynolds

Author's posts

Is Podcasting the New Blog?

Why is podcasting exploding in popularity? How can it benefit authors and creatives? Follow the audience and you’ll find the money.

So Very Cheesy: the Fantasy Diet

Kristen is away at a conference in San Francisco….so that means today, you get ME! And despite what the title implies, I’m not here to talk about the failed New Year’s diet (ask me if I even bothered). No, today, you get a super special fun rant from me about food in the fantasy genre. …

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Show Me Ye Olde Money! How Money Drives Drama

Money, writing, history, historical fiction

Money is fundamental to our lives but taboo in polite conversation…much like sex. But just like sex, money is one of the main drivers of human behavior. And what do we pattern our characters’ behavior on? Yup. Exactly. Now, of course, I would never be so crass as to suggest that any of our protagonists …

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Why I hate blogging…but do it anyway


No, this is not Kristen having a breakdown. She’s on a boat having fun. This is Cait, talking about why I hate blogging as much as I hate downward-facing dog in yoga. So, if I hate blogging, why do I do it? What’s more, why do I do it to Kristen’s exacting standards? Well, partly …

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And now, for something a little different…

Reynolds & Lamb, Cait Reynolds, Kristen Lamb, humor, comedy, videos, YouTube

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blogging to bring you…well, you’ll see. This won’t be a typical blog post, partly because Kristen is multi-tasking (trying to fight off a cold and pack for a trip while dealing with car issues), and partly because I have my hands full getting ready to teach The Creature Feature class …

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