It’s Wednesday, which is on its way to being officially renamed in the U.S. calendar of holidays as “Cait Reynolds Blogs for Kristen Lamb” Day. Denny Basenji, however, thinks it should be renamed “Curly Tail Problems” Day. Announcing that you write erotic romances is certainly a conversation starter. Or stopper. Depending on your audience. Explaining …
Tag: E.L. James
Sep 05 2014
5 Tips For Long-Term Writing Success
I’m an extremely loyal person. For years, I refused to let go of certain childhood friends even though they consistently made epically DUMB life decisions. I kept believing I could “help.” What happened? EPIC STUPIDITY rubbed off on ME. I had to break away. I wouldn’t change them, they were changing ME (and not for the better).
Aug 16 2013
Insomnia, Wizard Vans, and Why Modern Women Read "50 Shades of Grey"
Yet, it didn’t stop me from wondering, why are these books so popular, especially with modern women? Why is there a virtual explosion in a genre that involves advanced skills in knot-tying and requires a leather-cleaning kit? What makes college-educated modern women who are taking the world by storm gravitate to wanting to be “enslaved”? Why isn’t there enough NyQuil to get me to SLEEP?