Tag: writing tips

Narrative Style: The Heart of Storytelling & Why It Also Matters in Memoir

Narrative style is the beating heart of writing. While our voice might remain consistent from a blog to a non-fiction to a fiction, narrative style is what keeps our work fresh and makes it resonate.

Character Building: How Story Forges & Refines Characters

Ultimately, fictional characters reflect the real human experience in a distilled and intensified form. This, however, doesn’t give an automatic pass on authenticity.

The Johari Window: Understanding & Harnessing the Character Blind Spot

The Johari Window is a powerful tool for crafting dimensional characters. It also helps creators develop layered stories that will resonate for generations.

Wounds: Unforgettable Characters are Fashioned from Damaged Pieces

Wounds provide friction vital for conflict, No conflict, no story. Conflict turns pages, sells books, and cultivates passionate fans.

Deception as a Storytelling Device: Introducing the Unreliable Narrator

Deception isn’t something readers expect, because narrators act as our guide and filter for the story. If the narrator doesn’t know something or show us something, it’s hard work for us to maneuver the fictional world.