Category: Success

Writing, The Glamorous Life & Finding Balance in the Madness of Branding

Persistence is a wonderful trait. Persistence is noble. But persistence can look a lot like stupid.

Want to Be a "Success"? Learn to Be an Outlaster

Living intentionally is vital because it allows us what I believe is one of the HUGE keys to reaching our dreams—learning to be an OUTLASTER.

Multi-Tasking vs. Multi-Focusing—Be Fruitful Not Busy

Don’t you have days that you’re simply exhausted? You’ve been running, running, running all day, but feel you have nothing to show for it? There’s a difference between busy and fruitful. Here’s some tips for being fruitful.

Making Writing a Priority & When Helping is Hurting

The weird thing about the new paradigm of publishing is the Digital Age Author is a very different creature. She might be a single mom trying to squeeze in a couple hundred words before the kids wake up or a husband struggling to fit in a writing burst during a lunch break. It can be a dad striving to finish his book while still caring for his family. Maybe it’s a retired person balancing living a dream of writing while caring for grandkids.

To Win We Must Lose—Sacrifice, Boundaries & Reaching Our Dreams

Before we can apply any “lessons” we have to accept a castor oil spoon of TRUTH. If we don’t make our own decision, we’ve still made a decision by abdicating making our own decision. If we don’t define success or happiness or what’s important, we leave a vacuum that other people and things will fill and they’ll be happy to define what our success should be.