Category: The Writer’s Life

Writer’s Block: Is It Laziness or a Critical Part of Being a Longtime Author?

Writer’s block can be a lot like those warning lights on our car’s dashboard. Sure, we could keep driving if there is a CHECK ENGINE light. We can keep going with a LOW FUEL light, or CHECK OIL light. It IS an option.

The Writer’s Journey: From Total Newbie to the Joy of Mastery

mastery, Kristen Lamb, writing tips, writer's journey

Mastery is peculiar in that spectators see whatever the professional does as ‘easy.’ Masters rarely seem to even break a sweat, whether they’re dancers, authors, or entrepreneurs. What they do seems so natural that it’s easy for us to be fooled into believing we could do the same right off the bat.

Self-Discipline: Can’t Someone Else Just Do This FOR Us?

Self-discipline usually is one of those terms most people use in January when hastily scribbling out New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, that was before 2020 came along and tore a hole in the space-time continuum.

Five Holiday Challenges Only Writers Will Understand

holiday, writers, five challenges writers holidays, writers, humor, Kristen Lamb, funny

While the holidays are hard on everyone, they pose a unique set of challenges for writers. We have to back away from the keyboard, put on pants, and remember what it is to mingle among humankind…or mostly why we don’t.

Finding Our WHY: The Beating Heart That Keeps Our Muse ALIVE

Seasons change and so do we. Finding our why is something we should do regularly, because, if we’re operating off a motivation that’s older than our favorite yoga pants? It might be the reason we’re burned out and hate turning on our computers.