Category: Uncategorized

13 Things Mentally Strong Writers Don't Do

It doesn’t matter if we strive to have a healthy marriage, strong kids or a killer career, these tenets cross-apply to all areas of life. Mental toughness is a key component to being successful. Yes, even for writers.

The Single Largest Secret to Success

All of us start out writing for different reasons. Perhaps we have dreams of seeing New York Times Best Seller or USA Today Best Seller in front of our names. Perhaps we long to be a household name like Stephen King or even a legend like J.K Rowling. Some of you might want to see Winner of the Pulitzer Prize …

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Your Novel as a Movie Part 2—Writing Novels that Translate Well Into Film

Big screen, small screen, smartphone screen, YouTube and countless niche cable channels are all looking for that next big thing.

Your Novel as a MOVIE? Not as Far-Fetched as One Might Imagine

Hollywood has been on a continuing trend of being in the red and much of that has to to with their business model and the rise of independent films. Amazon sees that and is capitalizing.

Slave to Perfection & The Dangers of Comparing Ourselves with Others

Last night I watched the movie Bad Moms and it was a great movie. Brain candy. A lot of laughs. Nothing too deep…well, maybe a little deep. One of the areas the movie explored is how in this age we are all killing ourselves to reach some unreachable Photoshopped standard. The New Yorker even did …

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