Category: Writing Tips

Is it FAIR for Authors to Review Other Authors? Do We Ruin the Magic?

Is it an honest/fair assessment of a work of fiction when WE look at it? It would be like a group of illusionists going to Criss Angel’s show and then ripping apart his show, pointing out the doubles or the hidden key or the trick blades. People just want to be awed.

Should Authors Write Bad Book Reviews?

Okay, normal people are emotional and irrational. Writers? The Normal Ship sailed long ago without us. Part of what makes us good at our job is we are sensitive. Granted, we do need to wear Big Girl/Boy Pants, but it doesn’t change the fact that a bad review HURTS. A bad review from our peers? Our TRIBE? Our fellow writers-at-arms? Multiply the hurt by a million, then add 3. We don’t just feel hurt, we feel betrayed.

Handling Criticism

The first two books are behind me and I know how they were received (duh), but what about this third one? It’s completely different and I take some huge risks and what if people think I was eating lead paint, licking toads and smoking Qualudes while writing? Wait. Does one smoke Qualudes? What if everyone HATES it????

Write FAST and Furious! Learning to Outrun "The Spock Brain"

When we write quickly, we get into the zone and pass The Wall. We become part of the world we’re creating. Fatigue wears out the cerebral cortex (the “Editor” and I will call this our “Spock Brain”). Fatigue diverts us to the Limbic Brain (also known as the Reptilian or Primal Brain, or for today’s purposes—“The Captain Kirk Brain”).

Are Details in Your Fiction Missing the Mark?–A Simple Tool to Take Our Fiction to a New Level

We can’t learn everything from Google or a book. We can’t. We need anecdotes, first-person been there stories, someone to debunk the Hollywood stereotypes. Nothing pulls you in like the tiny details unique to that profession or situation, and nothing is more annoying than when an author gets those details wrong.