Tag: Rise of the Machines

Why I hate blogging…but do it anyway


No, this is not Kristen having a breakdown. She’s on a boat having fun. This is Cait, talking about why I hate blogging as much as I hate downward-facing dog in yoga. So, if I hate blogging, why do I do it? What’s more, why do I do it to Kristen’s exacting standards? Well, partly …

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FEAR—Is the Mind-Killer in Control of Your Life?

The single greatest challenge you will face in trying to accomplish anything great is FEAR. FEAR is nothing to be underestimated and we need to learn to manage it if we want to succeed. I remember being a kid and Dune was one of my favorite movies. At the age of ten I memorized Paul Atreides’ …

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Never Tell Me the Odds—Getting Your Head Right for Success

We need to have a different kind of self-awareness when we decide to go pro at anything. We can’t afford the mindlessness of mediocrity. We can’t afford day after day of being reactive and permitting life to happen TO us.

Selling Books—The Struggle is REAL but Not New & What to DO!

Publishers have always struggled to help authors create a brand. This is NOT a new thing…

Generation Author Snowflake & The High Cost of Instant

Technology always changes our reality and there are inevitable growing pains that go part and parcel with any innovation. Every meaningful advance always has social consequences. Always. From the Gutenberg Press to the Model-T to electric lighting humans have had to adjust, shift and learn to balance great benefits with never before encountered consequences. With …

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