1,099 results for kristen lamb blog

Social Media– 3 Easy Ways a Writer Can Build a Solid Platform

Think ice cream stand in Alaska, hot coffee in Tuscon, mountain bikes in Wichita, KS. A tough sell and a very limited customer base. Just because everyone is saying FaceBook is hot and MySpace is passé in no way means you should listen to them. If you have to choose between going with your friends and going with your fans, I advise that you choose the fans if you desire to build a platform.

Just Do It

No one ever published half of a perfect book.

The Eyes of Bob: Revising/Rewriting, by Jeff Posey

A good story well told trumps everything else in the business most of the time.

A Good Gritique Group Will Tell You, "You Have an Ugly Baby" by Terrell Mims

Writers who join critique groups should not go to be coddled. They have friends and family for that.