1,099 results for kristen lamb blog

Are You Sending the Right Message? 3 Bad Habits that Can KILL Your Social Media Marketing

By continual personal and positive interaction, an author can influence groups of people to extend her marketing influence. How? She has recruited her fans and followers to be part of her team. Book sales and promotion have now become a collective endeavor.

The Most Effective Author Marketing Tool–Kindness

Genuine promotion that really will speak to others. Most people will feel the need to reciprocate if we do something authentically kind. Our motive should always be pure—do something authentically kind—because people can smell manipulation from a mile away, and who likes being manipulated? No one.

Writers–Facing Your Oogie-Boogie Man

It took years for me to use Kristen Lamb. Why? Because I had to find the courage to name and claim my destiny. I had to rally the courage to dare to dream and take it on the chin if it went to the dogs. Not easy!

Writers & Forging a Plan for Success

Your mission statement, like most businesses will evolve and change. It isn’t set in stone. But it will position your mindset and it will strip away your excuses. But most of all, a mission statement will help you maintain your creative focus.

The Single Best Way for Writers to Become a Brand

Time is precious, so make sure you maximize your efforts by focusing all your energies behind the name you wish to brand. It will save a lot of time for you and confusion for your fans. Branding the right name will help you work smarter, not harder. You need time left over to write great books.