Automation and preprogramming is taking without giving. We expect others to be present and vested, whereas we are too busy to hang out on Twitter. Thus, what we are telling others is that they are Friends with Benefits. All the benefits of friendship with none of the time and emotional sacrifice.
Tag: platform
Mar 21 2012
Understanding Author Platform Part 1–Making Platform our Art
Image from Street Art Utopia. One of the words writers hear a lot of is “platform.” What is it? How do we get one? How much time do we need to put in on social media for it to count? Do we get time off for good behavior? All good questions, but before I address …
Mar 09 2012
Deadly Doses–Politics, Religion and Our Author Platform
On Wednesday, we talked about the evolution of the writer. As the paradigm is shifting, writers must evolve or they simply will not survive. Those who want to moan and wish for the gone-by age will be replaced by writers who are hungrier and better trained and who are willing to outwork the competition. …
Feb 01 2012
R-E-S-P-E-C-T isn't FREE!!!
Last week in What’s the Problem with FREE!? we talked about how giving away FREE! downloads of our books can actually do more harm than good. I also gave an example of the software company that refused to offer anything for FREE! back in the boom in the 90s when all the competition …
Jan 04 2012
The Road to Success Part One–What Kind of Author are You?
Kristen is a TOTAL Dean Koontz fan-girl! Last week we talked about why traditional marketing doesn’t sell books and why marketing for writers requires a very different approach. We also discussed what critical event transpires to turn a good writer/good book into a legend—the mobilization of the fat part of the bell curve. Make no …