How do we build an audience without coming across as a stalker crossbred with an MLM rep? This is no easy task, especially since most creative professionals don’t exactly shine in this area. Face it. If we’d been good at high pressure sales, we’d be languishing on our yacht along with other people who excel …
Tag: brand
Oct 31 2013
When Spammers and Trolls Take Over – Authors Innovate – Facebook Groups (WANA Class Excerpt)
By Jay Donovan Hi everyone, Kristen is recovering from a couple of all-nighters spent caring for a loved one. I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say about it over the coming weeks. She should be back tomorrow. I take that back, she will be back tomorrow,even if I have to drive to TX and make …
Oct 26 2011
The Dark Side of Metrics–Writer Friend or Ticket to Crazy Town?
Last week, we talked about the bright side of using metrics. Writers tend to go pale and look for the scotch when someone mentions analytics. Yet, if we don’t ever look to a standard of measure, then we can float around aimlessly, wasting valuable time on busy-work. We have better things to do than focus …
Oct 05 2011
The Right Way, the Wrong Way & the Smart Way
I know we are supposed to be talking about the third person you need to know to be successful on social media–the Salesman. But, over the weekend my Great Aunt Iris (who might as well have been my grandmother we were so close) slipped into a coma and then passed away on Sunday morning. She …
Sep 07 2011
Maximizing Our Social Media Impact–Having the "Right" Friends
Yes this is really me with Sandra Brown (before the restraining order kicked in :P). And I look like a ghost who’s haunting her. Cell phone cameras. Ptth! Over the past couple of weeks, we have been talking about the unique nature of marketing books and the equally unique challenges this can present to writers…who …