518 results for pay

“Woobie” Anti-Villains & Sympathy for the Devil

“Woobie” is a funny word I recently discovered when researching. This anti-villain doesn’t want to be evil, but they have no choice, do they?

Aspiring Writers Need to Quit NOW

Aspiring writers. There are so many out there. There are so many out there. MILLIONS! BILLIONS (if we count the bots). Is there any hope?

Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?

darkest moment, fiction, Kristen Lamb

Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. How do we get up? And keep getting up?

What Do You Call a Writer Who Never Reads?

What do we call a writer who doesn’t read? Is it even possible to be a good writer without also being a prolific reader?

To the Pain: Is Writing a Career or a Hobby?

Pain is simply part of life. We have little control over most of what happens to us. This is true in life and in publishing.