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Firearms: The Writer’s Guide to “Knowing Your Weapon!”

Firearms are obviously most commonly used in thrillers, but they can be used in mystery, suspense and that varied kissing cousin genres.

Fight Scenes: Deep Cover & How to Write the Good Fight

If we can stab with it, it’s a weapon. If we can jab with it, it’s a weapon. If we can use it to hit someone, it’s a weapon. If we can throw it, it’s a weapon.

Brave New Writing & Learning to Think Outside the Book

Most of us would LOVE to sit and read a big thick hardback, but we’d also like to have teleportation devices, holo-decks and pizza that makes you skinnier the more you eat it. And odds of having any of these are about the same.

So what do we do? We change HOW we are informed and entertained.

Characters: The Emotional Touchstone Readers Crave

All stories are human stories, whether in space or in a magical realm. Characters (should) endure the same trauma and challenges that audiences do in life. This mirroring gives us (readers) a safe place to feel and process our emotions.

Change Matters: How to Write Stories that Grip Readers & Don’t Let Go

Stories always have to be about people and the ways the story problem forces them to change. Without that? We don’t yet have a sound story.