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Sales: How Can You Sell More Books When You’re Terrified of Selling?

Sales can be one of the most terrifying words in the English language. If one happens to be a creative professional, let’s just multiply that fear level by ten…or a thousand.

Self-Discipline: Can’t Someone Else Just Do This FOR Us?

Self-discipline usually is one of those terms most people use in January when hastily scribbling out New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, that was before 2020 came along and tore a hole in the space-time continuum.

Wounds: Unforgettable Characters are Fashioned from Damaged Pieces

Wounds provide friction vital for conflict, No conflict, no story. Conflict turns pages, sells books, and cultivates passionate fans.

Amazon Past Prime: Why Major Retailers & Publishers are Going it Alone

The Penguin Random House site is a perfect illustration of businesses defecting from Amazon because they no longer NEED them. This is a laudable example of what I’ve been begging the publishing industry to do.

No Sales or Lackluster Sales: It Isn’t the Reader, It’s the Book…Really

sales, book sales, publishing, Kristen Lamb

Agents predicted market changes and trends. They looked at what was already out, what was slated to be released, what was already selling, what wasn’t, what was saturated, etc. Then, they used that data to maneuver their authors around the sales minefield. Still do to the best of their abilities. Yet, there often are REAL reasons a book isn’t selling and it isn’t the reader’s fault. It’s all on the book and the author.