In writing, anything that interrupts the fictive dream is BAD JUJU. If our formatting is a train wreck, odds are the reader won’t finish, let alone recommend.
Tag: how to attract readers
Dec 01 2014
WHY Are We Writers? Understanding the Why Behind the Buy
Now that NaNoWrMo is finished, congratulations to those who WON. I only made it to a little over 34,000 words *sad face*, but I did it with Shingles so I am grading myself on a curve đ . As a writer, being delusional is totally acceptable. I’m actually not too far from finishing the …
Jun 05 2013
When Will I Get My Breakthrough? Making It Past "The Dip"
First of all, just keep going. Keep your head down. Small actions over time add up. No one might read your blogs today, but keep blogging and one day BOOM. People will discover you, then go digging through your archives and subscribe because they see you show up. You post. You are there.