Tag: Kristen Lamb

Give Up! Why Your Genre is Probably Stupid

Space books? Dumb. Sexy books. Dumb. Westerns? Obviously dumb. Self-help? Why would I waste time on just how dumb those are.

Aspiring Writers Need to Quit NOW

Aspiring writers. There are so many out there. There are so many out there. MILLIONS! BILLIONS (if we count the bots). Is there any hope?

Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?

darkest moment, fiction, Kristen Lamb

Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. How do we get up? And keep getting up?

‘Twas the Night Before Valentine’s

neon heart, Valentine's Day, love, romantic love, Kristen Lamb

Twas the night before Valentine’s and all through the land, the poor single people were wringing their hands…

The Hero: Taking an MC from “Meh” to “Myth”

Crafting a hero isn’t as simple as one might think. New writers generally serve up a ‘hero’ too soon. HERO is a title that must be earned.