There is one word known to strike fear into the hearts of most writers. Synopsis. Many of us would rather perform brain surgery from space using a lemon zester and a squirrel than be forced to boil down our entire novel into one page. Yes one. But alas we need a synopsis for numerous reasons. First and …
Tag: narrative structure
Mar 20 2018
Fizzle or Sizzle? How Genre is Fundamental for Story Success
Genre is a word that makes a lot of new writers cringe. Many (mistakenly) believe any kind of boundaries will somehow impair or restrict creativity and crater imagination. This is why so many emerging authors (myself included) avoid learning about structure or how to plot until forced to…at gunpoint. Fine! Yes, I’m being melodramatic, but …
Mar 07 2018
Character Building: How Story Forges, Refines, and Defines Characters
I put in a lot of work and study when it comes to honing my writing skills. This means I’m always searching for ways to become a stronger author and craft teacher. Want to get better at anything? Look to those who are the best at what they do and pay close attention. This said, …
Feb 23 2018
Problems: Great Dramatic Writing Draws Blood & Opens Psychic Wounds
Problems are the essential ingredient for all stories. All forms of dramatic writing balance on the fulcrum of problems. The more problems, the better. Small problems, big problems, complicated problems, imagined problems, ignored problems all make the human heart beat faster. Complication, quandaries, distress, doubt, obstacles and issues are all what make real life terrifying…and …