Tag: National Novel Writing Month

The Three "Acts" of a Writer's Journey—From Newbie to Master

Because good storytellers are masters of what they do, we can easily fall into a misguided notion that “writing is easy.” Granted there are a rare few exceptions, but most of us will go through three acts (stages) in this career if we stick it through.

Write a Terrific Novel (NaNo), Minimize Revisions, & Improve Odds of Finishing AND Publishing

If we finish, yet have written something that can never live off life-support? We are back at Square One. Though I am a fan of NaNo and Fast Draft, these tactics will work for writing ANY novel and minimize revisions.

NaNoWriMo, Gone Girl & Confessions of a Recovering Jerk

The READERS were right. And regardless of one’s opinion about the book, I will say it was masterful in that we could see the best and the worst of ourselves reflected back through the characters. The control, self-righteousness, cowardice, love, disappointment, manipulation, etc. (Btw, no spoiler alerts in this post).

NaNoWriMo: Know Your Weapons!

I’m once again letting Piper hijack my blog to talk about a subject near and dear to me—GUNS. Chances are, many of you are writing thrillers or suspense or knitting books that involve FIREARMS. Piper and I are NOT the people you take to an action film unless you believe—like we do—most of these movies should be classified under “Comedy.”

Backstory: The More You Know, The Less I Have To

So if you don’t know your backstory, you can’t leave it out. On the other hand, if you DO know it, you don’t feel compelled to put it in, because you don’t have to tell yourself your own story while you’re writing it. You can focus on telling your story to your readers instead.