Tag: writing craft

5 Red Flags Your Story Needs Revision

No one is born with the natural ability to write brilliant, perfect novels coded into their DNA. It takes time and practice, so give yourself permission to make mistakes…then learn, suck it up and back to work.

How Being Tired Can Make You a Better Writer

Our bodies tend to be a bit lazy, and they like to lie. They tell us we need a day or two or twenty off, and the longer we’re away from the work, the easier it is to let things slip, to see a new shiny and start a newer, more exciting project. In this business, time is our enemy. Always remember this.

When the Hero is His Own Worst Enemy–What We Can Learn from FLIGHT

What this means is that a character being his or her own worst enemy alone is not enough. There MUST be a story problem that generates the tension and change. With no story problem, there is no way to have dramatic tension. It just becomes a character being TDTL (Too Dumb To Live). We don’t have a novel, we have self-indulgence.

The Clock is Ticking—5 Tips for Tighter, Cleaner Writing

Time is our enemy. Most people don’t have enough. This is why our writing must be tight, direct and hook early. Modern audiences have the attention span of a toddler hopped up on 2 liters of Coke. We can’t afford to let them drift. Drift=Bad juju I’ve edited countless books, many from new authors. I …

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Do You Have a Psychic Vampire Critique Partner?

Psychic Vampires abound in the arts, and they are also prevalent in many writing groups. They are wolves dressed in writer clothing. Often they are so self-absorbed they can’t even see the reality of what they are. This is why confronting PVs is almost always fruitless and will simply lead to conflict that only further feeds them at our expense. Our best option is to be able to spot them, then ignore them or RUN.