I happened to see this meme (above) on Facebook and I lost it laughing. This is such a great metaphor for what it is like to be a writer. In the beginning I was a rose, then I learned to become the dandelion. The dandelion might not be as pretty, but it is prolific and it …
Tag: writing inspiration
Jul 21 2015
No Success Without the GRIND
We may not always be able to do the big stuff, but we can keep pressing with the small stuff because greatness is not a singular moment. Rather, greatness is the cumulation of a lot of hidden moments that have no glory.
May 23 2014
Writer Victory!—Remember Writers are Magicians
Writers are the foundation for moral, social, economic, technological and scientific advance. In fact, show me a country that doesn’t value creativity and imagination and I’ll show you a country limited in how far it can advance. Often the only advancements come from stealing ideas and technologies from places where imagination is encouraged.
Feb 12 2014
Setbacks, Success, Excuses, Oh MY! The Truth About Publishing & Myths About Muses
It’s easy to be miserable when life or our art isn’t cooperating. It’s hard to choose to remain peaceful and continue pressing with a positive attitude. But the more we exercise peace, joy and self-discipline, the stronger they become. But resistance is what makes them grow. Resistance can be a good thing if we remember to keep it in a positive perspective.