Tag: Writing

Brave New Writing & Learning to Think Outside the Book

Most of us would LOVE to sit and read a big thick hardback, but we’d also like to have teleportation devices, holo-decks and pizza that makes you skinnier the more you eat it. And odds of having any of these are about the same.

So what do we do? We change HOW we are informed and entertained.

The Log-Line: Can You Pitch Your ENTIRE Story in ONE Sentence?

writing, log-line, story in a sentence

A log-line is a lifeline that will allow you to pitch a novel (or series) in ONE—YES ONE—sentence. The log-line is going to save you time, energy, and sanity (save the crazy for the fiction).

Description: The Good the Bad and the Just Please STOP

description, writing description, Kristen Lamb

Can we be really honest about our description? Is it truly remarkable or just filling space? Are we weaving a spell that captures readers or are we boring them into a coma? Are we holding the reader’s brains, afraid if we don’t clarify everything, they might not ‘get’ what we mean?

What’s a REAL Writer? Spotting Terminological Inexactitude Syndrome

Many in our modern culture don’t believe writing qualifies as a legitimate occupation. An unusual percentage of ‘average’ citizens firmly maintain that being a writer is NOT a real job. These same individuals, however, collectively spend billions of dollars and most of their free time enjoying entertainment (created by writers).

EVIL: Our Love-Hate Relationship With Mischief, Mayhem & Destruction

Good stories make us think, talk, question, examine, and reexamine not because the writer wrote a glorious description of a moonlit night, but because the writer posed questions not easily answered.