Making Story MAGIC—How To Bring the Elements All Together

I love to think of myself as having a special eye for talent, and when I find gems like Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi, it just makes a gal go “SQUEEEE!” I’ve been following these ladies for a loooong time since they were relatively new in their careers. These days? Back up because they are a powerhouse …

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Why Our Author Brand is More Important than Ever Before

For the past few months I’ve been focused on writing and not on social media. Hey, even the Social Media Jedi can get burnout 😉 . But now we’re going to shift gears because, aside from writing the actual book, social media (branding) is the biggest part of our job. And I can hear the …

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You Might Be a Writer If…

A lot of “stuff” has been going on in my life lately. Hard stuff. Heavy stuff. The kind of stuff that just makes me want to write massacre scenes….except I am so brain dead I had to google how to spell “massacre.” Masicker? Missucker? WHAT AM I DOING???? *breaks down sobbing* I am supposed to …

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Ten Ways to Tighten Your Writing & Hook the Reader

When I used to edit for a living, I earned the moniker The Death Star because I can be a tad ruthless with prose. Today I hope to teach you guys to be a bit ruthless as well.

Franken-Novel, Perfectionism & The Dark Side of Critique Groups

Depending on the problems, critique groups can create bad writing habits and even deform a WIP so badly it will lose any chance at resonating with readers, thus being successful.