How can we connect to an audience (readers) who will love our stories enough to buy, support and spread the word? This is the ever-present challenge on every author’s mind. If it isn’t, then it should be.
Tag: author branding
Sep 17 2019
Branding & The Brain: How Social Media Changes but People Never Will
Branding is very different in the digital age, namely because we are incessantly bombarded with ads and marketing. We’re ‘pitched to’ more than any other time in human history. That’s why our overloaded brains have developed clever shortcuts. Most ads we literally NEVER SEE. How can we change this? How can writers cultivate an audience in a world where people are ‘marketing blind’? The answer is simpler than one might think.
Jul 24 2018
Targeting Readers: Audiences Have Evolved & So Should Marketing
How many times have we been told we should be targeting our readers, audience, and customers? Am I the only one disturbed by this advice? Targeting seems like it should involve a Predator Drone…or at least a trebuchet. For the record, I imagine many authors would view sales (and targeting) with far more enthusiasm if …
May 10 2018
Cocky-Blocked: How to Nuke Your Brand From Orbit
Call me cocky for even weighing in on this issue (at your own peril). But, seriously, folks. It’s rare to run across something so epically wrong AND foolish and…ironically, cocky. As an author branding expert, I’d be remiss NOT to say something about Cockygate (though I seriously hate having to). Cockygate. Yes, folks, it’s a …