Here's to Breaking Writing Rules—Rebels With a Cause or Rebels Without a Clue?

For the past several years, I’ve always begun the New Year with predictions of what the publishing industry would or wouldn’t do in the year to come. But this year? I’m being a rule-breaker and taking a different perspective—one I believe has greater impact and longevity. Algorithms rise and fizzle, publishers go out of business, …

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Make Readers Suffer—Great Fiction Goes for the GUTS

What is the BIG question here? What is my character REALLY after? What will my story problem CHANGE about this character? What will it answer?

Can Being Tired Make Us Better Writers?

Last month I participated in NaNoWriMo even though it’s the holidays and, as many of you know, I am battling the last vestiges of Shingles which makes me tired, like down to the BONES tired. But, lest I go crazy, I had to write, because that’s what writers do. We aren’t happy unless we are …

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WHY Are We Writers? Understanding the Why Behind the Buy

  Now that NaNoWrMo is finished, congratulations to those who WON. I only made it to a little over 34,000 words *sad face*, but I did it with Shingles so I am grading myself on a curve 😛 . As a writer, being delusional is totally acceptable. I’m actually not too far from finishing the …

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7 Essentials Every Author Needs to Know About Twitter

Twitter often gets a bad reputation from people who don’t understand it or don’t know how to use it to its full potential to build an author platform. If we’re misusing it or not using it to its full potential, not only will it not help us, but we also won’t be having any fun.