Category: Writing Tips

Selling LOTS of Books and Why Bright Ideas Can Go BADLY

I’m here to teach how to write a commercial product, which is something consumers want to…consume. Code for “buy.” Just because we are creating something commercial doesn’t mean it is less-than or “not” art.

How to Tell if Your Story is On Target—What is Your Book About in ONE Sentence?

Think of your one sentence as your scale-model or your prototype. If the prototype doesn’t generate excitement and interest, it is unlikely the final product will succeed. So revise the prototype until you find something that gets the future audience genuinely excited.

Writer Victory!—One Day at a Time

I don’t trust people who’ve never failed. As I’ve told you guys, Hubby was Special Operations. Recently we were talking about the training for the Green Berets and DELTA Force. These programs are designed to make participants fail. They WANT people to fail because failure shows what people are really made of.

Writer Victory!—Turn Over the Future & Focus on What We CAN Control

As professionals, it is key to cast our care and keep our responsibilities. Too many writers waste valuable time on crap they can’t control, all the while ignoring what they CAN. It’s an easy snare, which is why ALL of us have to remain vigilant. Even me. Maybe especially me.

Two Dialogue Death Sentences & How to Get a Stay-of-Execution

As an editor, I can attest that this is one of the BIGGEST problem areas for the new writer. Dialogue can often sound stiff, like two kids playing with Barbies or fighting with action figures. Or, they can become “talking heads” who all sound the same.