99 results for concept critique

The Personal Apocalypse—When are We REAL Writers?

Ignore the naysayers. They’ll be your biggest fans one day when you prove them wrong. Raise a glass to your failures. They will provide the ingredients for magic in your future writing. Let the old fall away. A lot of an apocalypse is releasing the old, the out-dated and the junk that doesn’t work.

Are You Alienating Fans on Facebook & Fracturing Your Platform?

Maybe I shouldn’t have engaged this person, but I love writers. Love is not always a fluffy bunny hug. Love sometimes need to be tough and it needs to confront. I know this writer didn’t sit up all night thinking of ways to insult his following, but he was doing just that. This author had clearly been among my Facebook friends for some time and I have to admit, I was hurt by how this message treated me.

Yes, I do have feelings.

Brave New Publishing & Attack of the Feral Plot Bunnies

One thing that will never change (aside from a world-ending asteroid strike) is humans LOVE a good story. One of the reasons I worked so hard to put together a simple plan for author branding is the writing needs to be paramount. Most writers, no matter which path they choose, do not see success on the first book. A standard tipping point is book THREE.

The Myth About Introverts & Extroverts–Could You Be an Ambivert?

In school, I didn’t want to play at recess. I wanted to read and draw unicorns. But I loved debate and speaking in public. When it came to presenting, I had no fear and, again, I was funny. Being funny helped when you changed schools every six months. BUT, in high school I was shy to the point of probably needing medication. The stage was far less terrifying than the lunchroom.

When the Hero is His Own Worst Enemy–What We Can Learn from FLIGHT

What this means is that a character being his or her own worst enemy alone is not enough. There MUST be a story problem that generates the tension and change. With no story problem, there is no way to have dramatic tension. It just becomes a character being TDTL (Too Dumb To Live). We don’t have a novel, we have self-indulgence.