To the Pain: Is Writing a Career or a Hobby?

Pain is simply part of life. We have little control over most of what happens to us. This is true in life and in publishing.

Self-Sabotage: I Don’t Deserve Success

Self-sabotage is something most writers are likely familiar with. We just about get in the habit of working on the WIP and then suddenly we put everyone and everything ahead of finishing that book.

Unseen Blessings: Are We Truly Thankful?

Gratitude does not come naturally. Humans are literally WIRED to seek out problems because we lived tens of thousands of years without a Walmart or Amazon.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing & Increase Sales

Sales can be scary, so today, I’m going to give you three ways to instantly improve your writing and also sell more books. 

Horror: Why We Love It, Hate It & NEED It

Horror appreciates that, frequently, what scares us the most, is a lot more ubiquitous than mega-tornadoes flinging Great White Sharks at the unwitting public.