Sales can be scary, so today, I’m going to give you three ways to instantly improve your writing and also sell more books.
Tag: sales
Jan 10 2020
No Sales or Lackluster Sales: It Isn’t the Reader, It’s the Book…Really
Agents predicted market changes and trends. They looked at what was already out, what was slated to be released, what was already selling, what wasn’t, what was saturated, etc. Then, they used that data to maneuver their authors around the sales minefield. Still do to the best of their abilities. Yet, there often are REAL reasons a book isn’t selling and it isn’t the reader’s fault. It’s all on the book and the author.
Jul 13 2018
The Evolution & Devolution of Sales: Why Your Books Aren’t Selling
Sales can be one of the most terrifying words in the English language. If one happens to be a creative professional, let’s just multiply that fear level by ten…or a thousand. In fact, many writers long to sign with legacy publishers for the sole reason they believe a major publisher will tend to all that …