Gratitude does not come naturally. Humans are literally WIRED to seek out problems because we lived tens of thousands of years without a Walmart or Amazon.
Tag: Thanksgiving
Nov 27 2013
Life's Unseen Blessings—Are We Really Thankful?
Lately, I’ve had a hard reality to face. I’m so busy potty training the toddler and teaching him and correcting him, but have I taken enough time to ENJOY him? There are the dishes, the laundry, the dusting, but am I ENJOYING the home I have?
Nov 23 2011
An Attitude of Gratitude
Ah, the holiday season is upon us. Next week is Thanksgiving. For the rest of you who have also been doing NaNoWriMo, there is more to this month than hitting the 50,000 mark. GASP! I know. I just found out myself. I had hoped to be writing a blog about what it felt like to …