Tag: Kristen Lamb

Pitfall #2 The Misunderstood Antagonist–More than Just a Villain

Villains are wonderful and should be used when the story you wish to tell calls for one. Never underestimate the awesomeness of s serial killer or ninja. But it is wise to learn about the antagonist in all her forms, so as to be better equipped to slate the right antag for your story. Remember, no antagonist means no story.

Writer Therapy–Mowing the Yard and Crying

Yep, that writer across the street is in therapy again. Her yard looks unbelievable!

Three Steps to Fan Page Awesomeness

If you are planning on being published, you must have a fan page. Sorry. Whether we like it or not marketing is part of the job description. I know most of us would rather have brain surgery with a KFC spork than have to self-promote, but that’s the cold hard truth. Anyone tell you different and they are lying or selling something.

It’s Okay to be a Kid—Pitfalls that Can Stunt a Writer’s Growth Part I

Just because a writer writes beautiful prose, in no way means she can carry off a story structure strong enough to sustain 100,000 words. Fiction, especially in reference to novels, is a highly intricate composite of many layers—characterization, dialogue, perspective, pacing, conflict, voice, setting, symbolism, arcs, themes, plot, scenes & sequels, and on and on. The skill and training required to write fiction well can be mind-blowing.

Reality T.V.–The Tractor Beam of Stupid

I will never recapture the time wasted watching dog-groomers compete, or chef’s throw insults and Steak au Poivre at each other. Will never get back the hours watching otherwise smart, talented, beautiful women claw each other like desperate hyenas to garner the Bachelor’s vacuous proposal.