Tag: NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo: Know Your Weapons!

I’m once again letting Piper hijack my blog to talk about a subject near and dear to me—GUNS. Chances are, many of you are writing thrillers or suspense or knitting books that involve FIREARMS. Piper and I are NOT the people you take to an action film unless you believe—like we do—most of these movies should be classified under “Comedy.”

Backstory: The More You Know, The Less I Have To

So if you don’t know your backstory, you can’t leave it out. On the other hand, if you DO know it, you don’t feel compelled to put it in, because you don’t have to tell yourself your own story while you’re writing it. You can focus on telling your story to your readers instead.

8 Elements to NAILING Your Plot & Owning NaNo

I promised not to leave you guys hanging with my last post. Now that I have a lot of you beating your shields ready for NaNo, I’m going to give you battle tactics to come out victorious (or maybe at least alive). Sure, NaNo is great to just learn to turn off the Inner Editor …

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This Month, We Write IN HELL—To NaNo or Not to NaNo

Haters: We will darken the skies with our criticism. Real Writers: Then we will WRITE in the SHADE.

The First & Most Crucial Step to OWNING NaNoWriMo

Too many writers fail to finish NaNo because they haven’t fueled up properly. If one studies any endurance athlete, what do they do before an Iron Man or the Tour de France? They EAT. A LOT. Endurance athletes know they need the extra weight because it isn’t uncommon for participants to lose as much as twenty pounds by race end.