Tag: NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo–Finishing What We Start

  Finally, I get a chance to blog about what it feels like to finish NaNoWriMo. It was great to make it through the first draft of my novel, and I realize I have A LOT more work to do. But, I am no fun to talk about because, frankly, when once you do land …

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Rocking the NaNoWriMo

  National Novel Writing Month is a really neat idea, and the core idea is actually good for writers almost all the time. Write. Write without your editor’s cap until you are finished. And that is cool, but what I love about NaNoWriMo is the accountability and the experience. It’s just different. There are all …

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National Novel Writing Month–Sowing the Seeds of Success

Farmers work first and play later. They plan. They prepare for the worst and hope for the best, all the while staying fixed on the ultimate goal…harvest. Farmers understand that it is no one great action, but a collection of small everyday habits that leads to success. Writers have to do the same.