Tag: NaNoWriMo

Can Being Tired Make Us Better Writers?

Last month I participated in NaNoWriMo even though it’s the holidays and, as many of you know, I am battling the last vestiges of Shingles which makes me tired, like down to the BONES tired. But, lest I go crazy, I had to write, because that’s what writers do. We aren’t happy unless we are …

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Book Promotion that Makes an Impression—Don't Advertise When You Can PADvertise

Since most of us are neck-deep in work and NaNoWriMo, I thought it was time to talk about something OTHER than writing. How are you going to MARKET that NaNo novel by December 3rd, 2014? Only amateurs need “revisions” *rolls eyes*.

The Three "Acts" of a Writer's Journey—From Newbie to Master

Because good storytellers are masters of what they do, we can easily fall into a misguided notion that “writing is easy.” Granted there are a rare few exceptions, but most of us will go through three acts (stages) in this career if we stick it through.

Write a Terrific Novel (NaNo), Minimize Revisions, & Improve Odds of Finishing AND Publishing

If we finish, yet have written something that can never live off life-support? We are back at Square One. Though I am a fan of NaNo and Fast Draft, these tactics will work for writing ANY novel and minimize revisions.

NaNoWriMo, Gone Girl & Confessions of a Recovering Jerk

The READERS were right. And regardless of one’s opinion about the book, I will say it was masterful in that we could see the best and the worst of ourselves reflected back through the characters. The control, self-righteousness, cowardice, love, disappointment, manipulation, etc. (Btw, no spoiler alerts in this post).