Tag: traditional publishing

Penguin SOLD: Publishing, Change & Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Oh MY!

Penguin visionary, Sir Allen, wanted to offer books to the public for the same price as a package of ten cigarettes so consumers could afford to read.

Publishing Success: Genre Loyalty vs. Plot Bunny Saboteurs

Genre matters. Genre is the foundation for longevity, building a loyal fan base and also the key to unlocking all the other plot bunnies (other genres/story ideas) we’ve been dying to try out. Regardless of the publishing path we choose, genre focus is the game-changer that transitions us from published authors to powerhouse brands. Hello, …

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Author Animal Farm—New York GOOOOD, Self-Pub BAAAAAAD

Okay at first I wasn’t going to say anything regarding the latest Let’s Bash Self-Publishing rant over at HuffPo, but (like all “real” writers) I am in the business of serving my audience—YOU—what you want to hear and after about the tenth person who sent me Laurie Gough’s Self-Publishing—An Insult to the Written Word, I …

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Why Now is the Best Time to be a Writer

Those of you who follow my blog know that optimism IS my super-power. Yes, The Digital Age can be daunting. We are entering uncharted territories and often we have to learn by trial and error.

Three Tips for Finding the Perfect Publishing Path

We writers live in interesting times. The same digital tsunami that toppled Tower Records and collapsed Kodak has now consumed the world of publishing. The world we knew five years ago is gone. Traditional is reinventing, indie publishers are growing and self-publishing now can be a viable part of any author’s long-term career plan.