I would challenge every artist (or business) to step back and feel. Think about the customer FIRST and ego second. Money LAST.
Tag: writing as a business
Sep 15 2014
Want to Successfully Publish? First, Are You a "Real" Writer?
My father had a genius IQ (was FAR smarter than me), yet died working minimum wage at a bike shop. He’d always longed to be a writer, but that was “foolishness.” It wasn’t a real job. Friends and family often offer the strongest resistance, partly because they love us and mean well. “Don’t you want to learn medical billing? The pay is GREAT!”
Mar 10 2014
Should Authors Have to "Market Themselves"?
We have to remember the distinction between a business and a human being. When humans start “marketing themselves” it drifts into Creepy Land. Bluntly, it makes me feel like I need fishnets, heels and a red light that hides my smile lines. Or maybe I need to take up juggling fire while wearing a costume and swallowing swords.
Aug 20 2013
Are You a "Real" Writer? Is This Even the Correct Question?
Now, of course, there is the difference between a “professional writer” and a “published professional writer” and then even a “successful professional writer.” Yet, I assure you if you learn to view yourself first as a professional writer then making your way to the next two levels will come far faster. It’s why I loathe the term “aspiring writer” and encourage titles like “pre-published writer.” Aspiring Writer is fruity-tooty and gives permission for us to be hobbyists and dabblers.