Kristen Lamb

Author's posts

Reading with Intent: Becoming a Better Writer


Reading should be the cornerstone activity of all who claim they want to be writers. Agents can spot writers who don’t read. So can READERS.

13 Reasons Writers are Mistaken for Serial Killers

Writers really are a strange breed and just so y’all know? The normal ship sailed without you a long time ago so relax. Your family or friends might not ‘get’ you but your fellow writers do.

“Woobie” Anti-Villains & Sympathy for the Devil

“Woobie” is a funny word I recently discovered when researching. This anti-villain doesn’t want to be evil, but they have no choice, do they?

Anti-Villains & Why We Love GOOD Baddies

In an age where audiences are more sophisticated than ever before, good writers need to do MORE, and anti-villains add depth we crave.

Pitch Your Story in a Pinch (ONE Sentence)

The log-line serves as a sort of “true north” so that epic high fantasy doesn’t suddenly involve space aliens, time travel, and waffle recipes.