Category: Writer Wellness

Are Some Humans Born to Bully? Born to Be Victims? Can It Be Changed?

Those words hit home and made me think. Granted, as a writer, I’ve experienced my share of trolls. Not terribly many and only one LOONY. But I have too many author friends (including NYTBSAs) who’ve been victimized by flash mobs of cyber-bullies. I’ve also had blogger friends who wrote on very innocent topics randomly victimized by gangs of trolls for seemingly no reason.

Lesson of Confession–"I'm Drowning. Help."

I was drowning and didn’t even see it. In our fast-paced world, what is the allotted time for sadness? Do I take a day off? A week? I’d been so caught up being there for everyone else, I’d never stopped to cry, to admit I miss my Nana. I didn’t get to see her before she died. I didn’t get to attend her funeral. And I never stopped for five minutes to admit I was hurting.

Focusing on the Positive and Why I Think DELTA Airlines Should No Longer Burn in HELL

An elderly couple found me crying in a hallway and took pity on me and made sure I got back to DFW. By the time I got home? I was in full seizures AND had pneumonia (because DELTA rerouted me through a FREEZING New Orleans with no jacket and no meds and I slept the night on cardboard boxes (from Christmas decorations) to stay warm.

Vogue Can Go to Hell–Can I Make Peace with My Thighs?

Those of you who read this blog know that I am always very upbeat and positive. I believe there are few things in life that can’t be fixed with a smile and elbow grease, but these days I’m losing my sparkle. As we enter into the holiday season, there are all kinds of goodies and …

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ADD, Word Count & Why Dead Bodies are Good for the Living

Today, I want to talk about something that is vital to success. REST. In Western society, we have this warped sense that we need to be productive 24/7. In fact, one of the biggest challenges I face as the Social Media Jedi is that writers believe that, if they are having fun on social media, …

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