69 results for editing tips

Description: The Good the Bad and the Just Please STOP

description, writing description, Kristen Lamb

Can we be really honest about our description? Is it truly remarkable or just filling space? Are we weaving a spell that captures readers or are we boring them into a coma? Are we holding the reader’s brains, afraid if we don’t clarify everything, they might not ‘get’ what we mean?

Neurodivergent Authors: Not Lazy or “Broken”

Being neurodivergent can give us major advantages as authors. That said, there are plenty of challenges that can go with our “gift.”

Book Reviews: Why They Matter SO Much

Book reviews are not about author egos. Reviews are a matter of life and death, survival in an absurdly overcrowded marketplace.

Fiction Filler: Bloated Writing Makes Readers Sick

Fiction filler is like fillers in food. It makes a little bit of good stuff go a lot farther, but at what cost? How much of this pink slime prose can we really get away with before readers feel ill?

SEO: The Key to Working Smarter not Harder

Today, we are going to talk a little about search engines, how they work, and ways we can make our content work harder so we don’t have to.