We have dreams and deadlines and most of us have grown fond of clean clothes. Also, our family is all needy and whiny and says things like, “Mommy, why is there no food?”
Tag: ADD writers
Sep 04 2014
10 Ways for ADD Authors to Be OOH! SQUIRREL!!!! …Productive
One key difference between the amateur and the professional is the professional shows up no matter what. Life will not stop because we have a dream of being a NYTBSA.
Jan 08 2013
10 Ways for an ADD Writer to be OOH! SHINY!…Productive
In the comments in yesterday’s post, my good pal Richard Snow asked how I somehow manage to get a lot of stuff done, despite my having the attention span of a fruit fly…with a bad crack habit. Here are 10 ways to help you be productive even if OOH! SHINY! …even if you tend to …