Tag: social media for writers

What to Do When You Absolutely, Positively NEED a Pen Name

Yes, there ARE good cases for having a nom de plume.

There are probably as many reasons TO have a pen name as not, but it will be extra work. If you are okay with that? Sally forth!

Pen Names—Necessary Evil or Ticket to Crazyville?

Today we are going to talk about a somewhat touchy subject. The pen name. Before anyone gets in a fluff, understand two things. First, I’m on your side. Secondly, this is only a decision you can make. My goal here is to make sure you guys are making educated business decisions. Thus, I won’t stop …

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Three NEVERS of Social Media for Writers

These three professional blunders can hang on like the smell of dead fish and stink up our author career, so avoid them at all cost. I understand that many of you who follow this blog are new, so if you’ve made one of these mistakes, you’re learning. We all oops (especially in the beginning), so don’t …

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Writing, The Glamorous Life & Finding Balance in the Madness of Branding

Persistence is a wonderful trait. Persistence is noble. But persistence can look a lot like stupid.

Why Writers Should Use Twitter (and HOW to USE It Effectively)

For the last couple posts, we’ve been talking about how to use Twitter effectively. Too many writers are like Stormtroopers—lots of shots fired  tweets that hit NOTHING. I can admit, when I got on Twitter (when it was invented) I didn’t get it. I would—KID YOU NOT—freak out when people I didn’t know followed me. WHAT? Are …

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