Tag: Writing

Fiction Addiction: How Great Storytellers Put the “Meth” into “Method”

When your fiction is crafted properly, readers will beg for your book to end…and then be depressed when it finally does.

Three Ways We Sabotage Our Own Success & How to Change

Self sabotage is so common in our Western culture, I think we’re almost oblivious to how much we actually do it. We’re even more clueless about specifically WHY we do it. The answer is pretty simple, but I’ll add in something special to spice it up a bit. *jazz hands* #YouAreWelcome Whether we want to …

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Quitting: Why Letting Go & Moving On are Crucial for Success

Quitting. Not a popular word when it comes to motivational quotes. Those of us who are driven achievers often end up overwhelmed, burned out, living in a blanket fort afraid to leave the house. Why? Because we’ve ALL heard that winners never quit and quitters never win. Which is complete and utter bull sprinkles. Since …

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Revising a Novel: The Five Stages of Death, Dying & Drama

Today we’re going to talk about revising a novel. It’s a highly emotional and arduous task, but vital. Revising a novel is more than mind-bending work at a computer (or with a red pen for the retro crowd). It’s a tough emotional experience that can blindside us and land us in the mire if we …

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