Category: Self-Help

Unseen Blessings: Are We Truly Thankful?

Gratitude does not come naturally. Humans are literally WIRED to seek out problems because we lived tens of thousands of years without a Walmart or Amazon.

Small Steps & The Value of Simply SHOWING UP

Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything in life, yet they’re also the most underestimated. They are too easy to overlook or dismiss.

Self-Discipline: Can’t Someone Else Just Do This FOR Us?

Self-discipline usually is one of those terms most people use in January when hastily scribbling out New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, that was before 2020 came along and tore a hole in the space-time continuum.

Three Ways We Sabotage Our Own Success & How to Change

Self sabotage is so common in our Western culture, I think we’re almost oblivious to how much we actually do it. We’re even more clueless about specifically WHY we do it. The answer is pretty simple, but I’ll add in something special to spice it up a bit. *jazz hands* #YouAreWelcome Whether we want to …

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