Actual photo of Kristen Lamb on the inside. When I first saw Google + pop up on the social media radar, I tried to ignore it. But, as an expert people tend to believe we know what we’re doing. I have tried to convince you guys that I make this up as I go, but …
Tag: MySpace
Feb 09 2011
Let's Talk Platform–Why We Need One
Today we are going to talk about platform. Platform, next to the actual writing, is simply THE most valuable asset we possess. Platform and content are the two things we control, and they are the largest determining factors as to whether or not we will have a successful writing career. So what is a …
Nov 10 2010
Maximize Your Social Media Impact–Understanding Influence
Welcome to WANA Wednesday, chock full of tips to rock your social media experience and based off my best selling book We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. One of the biggest complaints I hear about social media is that writers believe they have no time. I am going to share a little …
Nov 03 2010
Two Ways to Transform Your Book Marketing
Welcome to the 100th post on the Warrior Writers blog! For over a year and a half, I have devoted this blog to the sole mission of making all of you amazingly successful authors. Monday is craft, but today is WANA Wednesday, the day I dedicate to helping you guys rock it hard with social media and …
Oct 13 2010
Social Media Savvy–The Art of Making Others Feel Welcome
Welcome to WANA Wednesday, based off my best-selling book We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. This is the day I dedicate to help you make the most out of your social media experience. I teach, specifically, social media for writers. Writers are unique. Our social media presence is different than a business …