Writers really are a strange breed and just so y’all know? The normal ship sailed without you a long time ago so relax. Your family or friends might not ‘get’ you but your fellow writers do.
Tag: funny
Oct 29 2015
You Know You're A Writer When….
Jan 10 2014
You Know You're a Writer When…
The NSA, CIA and FBI no longer bothers with you. Likely, they know you by name and now outsource to the creepy ice cream truck to just make a few passes and check to make sure you’re still at your computer.
Aug 19 2013
Three Important Life Lessons Only Learned from Insomnia
Well, it’s 3:18 a.m. and since sleeping still isn’t in the stars, I am writing…while in a yoga stretch unkinking my back. It’s been a rough week. I didn’t sleep for a week due to pain. We figured out the likeliest culprit (since both Hubby and I have had our backs scanned, X-rayed, massaged and …
Aug 16 2013
Insomnia, Wizard Vans, and Why Modern Women Read "50 Shades of Grey"
Yet, it didn’t stop me from wondering, why are these books so popular, especially with modern women? Why is there a virtual explosion in a genre that involves advanced skills in knot-tying and requires a leather-cleaning kit? What makes college-educated modern women who are taking the world by storm gravitate to wanting to be “enslaved”? Why isn’t there enough NyQuil to get me to SLEEP?