Tag: publishing

Does Fiction Matter? Fiction, Fantasy & Social Change

Societies have always been defined and redefined by its stories. Fiction IS NOT INERT. Why do you think dictators shoot the writers and burn the books first?

Writing, The Glamorous Life & Finding Balance in the Madness of Branding

Persistence is a wonderful trait. Persistence is noble. But persistence can look a lot like stupid.

Make Readers Suffer—Great Fiction Goes for the GUTS

What is the BIG question here? What is my character REALLY after? What will my story problem CHANGE about this character? What will it answer?

Want to Successfully Publish? First, Are You a "Real" Writer?

My father had a genius IQ (was FAR smarter than me), yet died working minimum wage at a bike shop. He’d always longed to be a writer, but that was “foolishness.” It wasn’t a real job. Friends and family often offer the strongest resistance, partly because they love us and mean well. “Don’t you want to learn medical billing? The pay is GREAT!”

10 Ways for ADD Authors to Be OOH! SQUIRREL!!!! …Productive

One key difference between the amateur and the professional is the professional shows up no matter what. Life will not stop because we have a dream of being a NYTBSA.