Category: The Writer’s Life

Why I hate blogging…but do it anyway


No, this is not Kristen having a breakdown. She’s on a boat having fun. This is Cait, talking about why I hate blogging as much as I hate downward-facing dog in yoga. So, if I hate blogging, why do I do it? What’s more, why do I do it to Kristen’s exacting standards? Well, partly …

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Field Guide to the North American Beta Reader

beta reader

We’re all hunters here, searching for the elusive, nearly mythical creature known only as the Good Beta Reader. The feeling of finding a good beta reader is a lot like what Japanese marine researchers felt when they caught the first image of the giant squid in 2013. Read about it here because it’s just so …

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Death Becomes Them: How Characters Come Alive in Death

Death characters

I think there’s one thing we can all agree about: it’s pretty awful that life doesn’t have a pause button when it comes to things like death and grief. One of the things that Kristen always says (I call them Lamb’s Laws) is that real writers don’t wait for all the stars to align, perfect …

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Lost, Hurting, Used Up? Be Nice…Until It’s Time to NOT Be Nice

tough choices, writing, writing professionally, Kristen Lamb

Our culture trains us to be ‘nice.’ No is a two-letter ‘four-letter word.’ Boundaries are ‘being mean.’ We should all strive to ‘understand, be flexible, and all get along.’  It’s as if there’s no middle ground between jerk and b$#@ versus someone with a healthy sense of boundaries. Besides *chirpy voice* good deeds add up. …

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