95 results for kindle

Self-Sabotage: How & Why We Writers Are Our Own Worst Enemies

There are SO many reasons why being a professional author is TOUGH. Much of what authors do is counter to human nature. It is NOT natural to sit still and write a 100,000 words. It’s human nature to avoid stress, pain, and trauma, while an author’s job is to inflict as much suffering as possible. Good …

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Hook Your Readers: 3 Tips to Catch & Keep Your Audience

How do we sell our stories? That is the big question. It is the reason for craft classes and editing and cover design and agents and editors and all the time on social media. And while platforms and covers and algorithms do matter, there is one tried and true way to sell more books. Write …

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Platform: What IS It? Why Do Writers Need One?

A platform offers major advantage when it comes to selling books. Before social media, non-fiction authors had an edge. These authors already had an existing audience by the time their books were ready for sale. Novelists, conversely, found themselves relying on a lot of pure luck, prayer, and alignment of the stars. The fiction author …

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The Lies that Bind: What Do We Really Believe?

Today we’re going to have a talk about LIES. Deception, half-truths, misinformation, and twisted realities. In my post about the success paradox we discussed how thoughts impact us in very real and tangible ways. Our belief systems are like our ‘programming’ but malware abounds, very often in the form of lies. If we fail to recognize …

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How to Write Superior Sex Scenes: Ignite Your Readers & Burn Them to Ash

Hey Guys, Cait Reynolds, my co-author/partner in crime/therapist/evil half is here to talk about the birds and the bees and maybe bees tying up other bees. The “How To” of writing superior sex scenes is vital, just uncomfortable for me. Sorry. I blame my upbringing. I’m a Texan with a Lutheran mom and Baptist father. …

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