Tag: business

Social Media– 3 Easy Ways a Writer Can Build a Solid Platform

Think ice cream stand in Alaska, hot coffee in Tuscon, mountain bikes in Wichita, KS. A tough sell and a very limited customer base. Just because everyone is saying FaceBook is hot and MySpace is passé in no way means you should listen to them. If you have to choose between going with your friends and going with your fans, I advise that you choose the fans if you desire to build a platform.

Death and Taxes–A Writer's Guide to Keeping More of What You Make

How many talented actors, musicians, artists and athletes ended up going from multi-millionaires to using a squeegee at a car wash because they failed to understand the business side of their business?

The Writing Business–Formula for Disaster Meets the Recipe for Success (Part II)

The writer’s contribution is more than valuable, it preserves and grows the human condition. Tyrants burn the books first for a reason.