We need to have a different kind of self-awareness when we decide to go pro at anything. We can’t afford the mindlessness of mediocrity. We can’t afford day after day of being reactive and permitting life to happen TO us.
Tag: setting goals
Dec 29 2016
After the Dumpster Fire of 2016—How to Make 2017 ROCK!
We are THANK GOD bringing a close to 2016. Though I’ve survived, I feel like I’ve dragged myself out of a Dumpster fire. Is it me or did 2016 actually last three years? But as Robert H. Schuller once said… Tough times never last but tough people do. Many who read this blog desire to …
Dec 08 2014
Time is Precious—Are We Investing Wisely?
Whether it is a walk, meditation, yoga, reading, or however you get spiritually grounded, ALL things spring from our well. Is our well refreshed and flowing? Or is it stagnant, stinky and floating with bugs?